Monday, September 30, 2024

NEWCOMERS: The California story

| November 22, 2017 12:00 AM

Response to New in North Idaho:

First off, “Welcome to North Idaho.” I am a former Californian also, as so many of us up here are California transplants. When I got here 15 1/2 years ago, one of the first things I did was to change my license plates to Idaho plates as recommended by my ex-brother-in-law who had moved here from California 14 years before.

Fifteen years ago the anti-California feeling was much worse than it is now. At that time, the animosity was mostly generated by rising home prices. Prices were fueled by Californians wanting to retire in Idaho where they could buy a very nice home at a much more reasonable price than the same house in California. That and the fact that the local people found they could sell their home for much more than it was worth to Idahoans and pocket a nice profit. The problem was that by doing this, they priced themselves out of the market. Ergo, the frustration was brought on by their own greed.

Today, the worry is that the incoming newcomers will bring their California liberal values to this very conservative state and change the political makeup of our surroundings. I’m worried also, as I came here BECAUSE of their conservative values and beautiful area. The more transplants, the more the developers will destroy the natural beauty of the area to build more homes. Short response — change your plates soon.

