Thursday, October 10, 2024

No headline

| November 17, 2017 12:00 AM





If you only read the signs, you’d probably think there are some wild times to be had at the Coeur d’Alene Laundry and Drycleaning on West Haycraft Avenue.

In truth, it really is a place to wash your towels and have those formal duds cleaned.

But that sign...

Right inside the front door, the wooden plaque reads: “24 Hour Laundry Service. Drop Your Pants Here.”

Alrighty, then.

That fun message reminds me of an old joke about how elephants make love, which is...

(Snip...Press editors!)

Look, this is really a pretty tame line, so email us if you want a little giggle.

You should have memorized our address by now, but we’ll give you another chance.

Hint: It’s at the bottom of this column.


Staying slightly off color for a moment, how about the current flap at Facebook?

Yes, yes, we really are going to have a Facebook page running as a companion to this column — but hopefully, founder Mark Zuckerberg and his army of geeks can get their act together by then.

It seems Facebook has been attempting to root out “revenge porn,” that awful practice of putting obscene photos online to punish a former friend or lover.

Unfortunately, the tech giant’s pilot program, which was designed to stop the practice, asked victims to send the company whatever nude photos had been misused.

Yes, they actually suggested that the hurtful material be sent online a second time, but addressed to Facebook.

Seriously, guys?

Did you all really go to Stanford, or are there some fake resumes in the pile?

C’mon and straighten things out before you take material from The Press on board, please.




We keep waiting for the goofiest Idaho political quotation of 2017 and, trust us, we’re looking.

The problem is that now we’re in campaign mode, and candidates (along with their staff members) are being super-careful about what they say.

Unless we get a true blooper in the year’s final month and a half, it looks like Secretary of State Lawerence Denney’s fairly stunning remark back in the summer will be our topper.

Denney spoke up during a meeting of legislators in July, as the group was discussing possible reforms to the state’s campaign contribution laws.

On the matter of contribution limits, Denney suggested he didn’t think they were needed at all, despite the fact that massive amounts of money headed to a particular lawmaker would give the appearance that someone had simply purchased influence.

Denney’s fairly startling take on unlimited contributions: “If some company wants to buy a legislator, from my point of view, that’s all right as long as I know who’s paying for that.”

Step right up with your bids, folks!



And finally, we’re not asking for sympathy, but there was some nasty flu in the bedroom this week.

When that happens, migraine headaches come along as a bonus — no, really, forget sending cards...although chocolates are good.

Anyhow, Sammie the Cat has an amazing nose for these things. She won’t leave the bed and, when a migraine strikes, she’ll squeeze up and warm that painful part of the head, precisely on the spot.

The puzzle: Does she somehow know exactly what’s going on?

So while checking on the talents and adventures of cats in general, we came across this story on a site called

Get it?

Paw, mane, fin?

OK, whatever the name, hats off because it displayed the best headline we’ve seen in, well, maybe...


“Cat Survives 7 Weeks in Wine Cellar, Emerges Drunk.”

Have a great day!


Steve Cameron is a columnist for The Press. Reach Steve at: