Thursday, October 24, 2024

TRUMP: Gonzo for guns

| November 10, 2017 12:00 AM

Our illustrious President Trump ironically says that “The mass shooting in a Texas Church is not a GUN issue, it is a mental health issue!” (GUN always must be capitalized…it shares the same esteem as GOD for many in our country.)

Maybe Trump is suffering from a bout of amnesia. In February, just weeks into his presidency, President Trump signed a bill eliminating an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for an estimated 75,000 people with recorded mental illness issues to purchase a gun.

If this latest mass shooting is a mental health issue, why would Trump make it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns? The answer is obvious: The NRA owns Trump and the Republican Party.

Assault rifles are like “fast cars.” Once some people have them, many mentally ill people have to drive 150 mph or use those assault rifles for what they were designed to do: Kill lots of people!

So now, even if you are mentally ill, AND on the “No Fly List,” you can still buy a gun that can shoot lots of people in one minute! Maybe at your next CHURCH service… GUN FORBID!


Coeur d’Alene