Sunday, October 13, 2024

ROSE: Reasons for support

| November 5, 2017 1:00 AM

- Change is desperately needed.

- Fiscal responsibility.

- Support of our emergency responders.

- An end to self-serving commissioners.

- Fair, honest, representation of the people.

- Experience and intelligence.

- Cares for her community, her neighbors and fire department.

- She won’t steal, lie or cheat.

- She won’t make staff buy things from her store (conflict of interest).

- She wouldn’t steal another candidate’s campaign signs.

- She wouldn’t lie to the people about being re-elected when she wasn’t elected in the first place.

- She is not related to any of the staff.

- She wouldn’t force the staff to buy goods and services from friends who are vendors.

- She wouldn’t hide money and ask for a levy.

- She wouldn’t hide money to avoid giving the firefighters a raise.

- She would never bully and intimidate the staff to get her way or vote.

- When things break down, she would ensure the resource for QUICK repair.

- She would promote positive training and updated needed equipment for the staff.

- She would be the voice of reason supporting the needs of the district.

- Pro Firefighter, EMT, Volunteer and Career.

- Every Fire Commissioner would have a voice and a vote.

- She would never obsess over the staff, the equipment, policy and politics, (it’s everyone’s fire department).

- She would support and respect the Fire Chief.

- She would never create or support a hostile, hate filled, working environment.

- She would never force the Board Secretary to omit information from the public record


Coeur d’Alene