Friday, October 11, 2024

Steve Anthony

| November 2, 2017 1:00 AM

Age: 65

Length of residency? Post Falls for 4.5 years. Born and raised in Coeur d’Alene.

Family: Married with five children and seven grandchildren

Highest level of education completed: Master’s degree

Degrees held: Associate of Science, North Idaho College; Bachelor of Science in parks and recreation, University of Idaho; master’s degree in sport and facility management, University of Idaho.

Profession: Retired as Parks and Recreation Director for city of Coeur d’Alene, currently work part-time at Kootenai Health.

Civic/community service: USA Softball of Idaho Board of Directors

Volunteerism: I have coached youth softball, soccer, and basketball.

Previous Political Experience: None. I have worked with city councils and various citizen committees for 42 years.

What prompted you to seek this position?

To add and be of service to our community. I can make a difference. Resolutions and ordinances that the Post Falls City Council implement now are extremely important and will have a tremendous effect on our children’s and grandchildren’s quality of life. As a member of the council I will be part of the process of determining the present and future of Post Falls. My many years of community experience provides me the skills to fill that need. There are issues facing Post Falls and I am confident I could have a real impact by serving on the City Council.

What are three things you will work to change or improve if elected?

These are not in specific order as all are important.

Work with all local and state agencies to meet the future transportation and public safety issues in the city.

Will work with present City Council members in attracting new business and industry to Post Falls that will create jobs for our citizens. The new tech parks that are proposed are a great start. I would also work with the Chamber and Jobs Plus to encourage companies to locate in Post Falls. Business and industry growth would spread out the tax base. Uncontrolled growth is a big issue with our citizens. I will work with the Planning and Zoning Commission on controlled growth issues and to allow open and green space for our citizens. That property set aside for Parks is usable.

What makes you the best candidate?

I have a vast amount of experience working with city councils and the public. I have served as the city liaison to several council appointed citizen commissions, committees and boards. Throughout my professional career, I maintained an excellent rapport with the chairmen and members. Most importantly, I understand whether being a staff member or council member, you serve for the citizens. I will absolutely listen to all questions and concerns with respect and do my best to address any topic.