Sunday, May 05, 2024

VALUES: Not politically defined

| May 24, 2017 1:00 AM

Attention staff writer Steve Cameron: Political party is not solely or even primarily determined by moral issues surrounding sex. Conservative principles are based on the genius of the Constitution and all the freedoms it guarantees: worship, speech, defense, fairness, the right to earn and keep property (to name but a few), and most of all, limited government, which interferes with the lives of individuals as little as possible. Conservatives want lower taxes, less regulation, and free market capitalism which creates an environment where individuals choose their own path and fulfill their own dreams and destinies. That is the recipe that built the greatest nation, in a short 241 years, the world has ever seen.

Freedom is the engine that unleashed creativity, desire, ambition and hard work resulting in unimaginable inventions and wondrous things that have improved life on this entire planet. There are many areas in which to apply the labels liberal and conservative; many of them are used erroneously. When it comes to politics, conservatives believe in freedom from an unnecessarily large and burdensome government.


Hayden Lake