Monday, May 06, 2024

LIFE: Builders and wreckers

| May 24, 2017 1:00 AM

My mentor impressed on my then young mind that in the world there are only two kinds of people. BUILDERS and the ever-present destroyers, called the Wreckers! The object of the latter is to destroy every good thing that is created! If you haven’t looked at their definitions lately, you should. Because of the builders we live in a great world. WRECKERS, WE INVITE YOU TO FORSAKE THE WRECKERS AND JOIN US BUILDERS to help all mankind!

I was taught to do good to my fellow man and to not return evil for evil. Over the years, I have been reading history. I commend it to you all. If we learned from history, we would not repeat the stupid mistakes made over and over again.

Recently I was criticized because I hold different views from a young man. To that man may I use President Lincoln’s quote, “WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE — WITH CHARITY FOR ALL.” I only wish for that man and his family a most wonderful and successful life.

By the way, my dear Mother Helen, was my mentor. Some of you may have known her!


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