Sunday, May 05, 2024

RAND: Writer, not messiah

| May 10, 2017 1:00 AM

Since former Senator Goedde brought up his infatuation with Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged” four years ago, I thought the intent of the author should be examined. Rand said in an interview with Phil Donahue (1979) that belief in God is “a sign of psychological weakness.” When talking about a person’s interactions with fellow citizens in an interview with Mike Wallace (1959) she said, “You love only those who deserve it, the weak do not deserve love.” In that same interview she said, “I object to the idea that the people have the right to vote on everything.”

I am not surprised Republicans are taken in by her ideology — the “makers and takers” tribe never sleeps in their quest to deny others basic human necessities. What is amazing to me is how many evangelicals follow her line of thinking. To you I point out Matthew 25:40, “… When you helped the lesser of your brothers you helped me.” This is the antithesis of Rand’s philosophy.

Don’t allow Rand to become your god or her works your new gospel; become fishers of men, helping all. One more thing about Rand. She died broke while battling lung cancer and subsequently enrolled in Social Security and Medicare (programs she publicly railed against), so I guess Atlas can shrug but shouldn’t smoke without health insurance.


Coeur d’Alene