Sunday, May 05, 2024

LABRADOR: Now hear this

| May 10, 2017 1:00 AM

The Saturday Coeur d’Alene Press discussed two lead items, Rep. Labrador’s town hall meeting and the Idaho Democracy Dinner. The town hall meeting was held at Lake City High School. Both were to capacity crowds.

The high school can accommodate 500 people and the dinner crowd was 150. The Coeur d’Alene Press stated that Democrats and progressives had gotten wiser. I have lived in Idaho for a short period of time, but I am shocked to learn there are perhaps 400 Democrats to attend these events. I have attended a few meetings of the Indivisible North Idaho group and soon learned they are not only disaffected Democrats. Health insurance is a major issue for most all of us in Idaho.

Rep. Labrador had best realize this is not a Republican or Democratic issue. I expect my representative in any party to answer all questions as best he can and not to be “easily dancing around” the answer. I may not agree, but I do expect straightforward and truthful answers with the public benefit in mind.

As more people become aware of the personal impact of this House-approved legislation, there will be calls to do something better. The Affordable Care Act has areas that need improvement. This House-approved plan will only hurt working people from being able to acquire health insurance to helping special needs children in school. Rep. Labrador, we, all of us, are asking for your help. So far you have not listened.


Coeur d’Alene