Monday, October 14, 2024

EPA as savior? No thank you

by Jon Keith Guest Opinion
| March 14, 2017 1:00 AM

According to Ed Javorka as he writes in “My Turn” in Saturday's paper, without the centralized federal oversight, scientific expertise, and dollars from the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, our beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene is going to become a hazardous waste dump and all the million-dollar lakeside property owners should go ahead and sell now. President Trump has, “instigated a war against Coeur d'Alene and Kootenai County.”

I would be surprised if Mr. Javorka is not a member of Indivisible North Idaho; that wonderful peaceful group — that so unfairly went unnoticed by the Press — as it protested the climate denying, EPA killing, pro-life, anti-diversity, evil rich Republican puppets at “their” Lincoln Day Dinner. Mr. Wurzburg, Ms. Rosdahl, Ms. Keenan, and Mr. Edwards, had their say in Saturday's expanded opinion page. Let's not forget Carolyn Mattoon from two weeks ago. What an incredible expose of Idaho Republicans.

It is evident, according to their view, we are now living in a country run by a madman who is illegitimate and mentally unfit. He is owned by the Russians. He is out to destroy every wonderful progressive thing our previous president had the courage to build, and our lakeside community is going to die a painful polluted death. OMG! He must be impeached! Right? What else can we thinking concerned citizens do. I for one can barely sleep at night for the fear and loathing I feel...

There is not a modern, correctly thinking, educated progressive-minded person in this community, this whole country, that can't see and understand how crucial it is to reject, to fear, to fight, INDIVISIBLE, this megalomaniacal cancer foisted on us by an antiquated “Electoral College” in the person and cabinet of Donald Trump. Just listen to Idaho Indivisible. They know all the best blog sites to prove their points and totally “fact check” the great liar occupying the White House. They have direct access to the “true” truth, via our former president Obama's newly renamed, “Organizing for America.”

Everyone knows, in their hearts, that the greatest threat our country faces comes from conservative Christians who want to force rape victims to have babies, and LGBTQ persons to use bathrooms of their born gender. Muslims from any country must be allowed to enter this country with no vetting whatsoever or the very idea of American morality is destroyed. Everyone knows extreme vetting and concerns about religion and country of origin only fans hatred's flames and is actually a recruiting tool. Anyone who believes the ideal family unit is a mother, a father, boy and girl children, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, is old-fashioned, out-of-touch, and a very real threat to the very fiber of our modern 21st century society. Every thinking “Indivisible” believer knows that a southern wall to keep poor brown people from flooding into our country is, at its base, purely racist and white supremacist.

Yes, Indivisible Idahoans, unite, organize and fight these demented, blinded conservative sheep President Trump manipulates every day. The NEA, EPA, the myriads of other, so-well-meaning federal agencies, unelected appointed surrogates, are our only hope, our only salvation!

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Jon Keith is a resident of Coeur d'Alene.