Wednesday, October 09, 2024

SCHOOLS: Promises kept

| March 5, 2017 12:00 AM

On March 14, voters will have the opportunity to make our strong Coeur d’Alene School District even stronger. I urge you to vote yes twice — for the levy and for the bond. Reasons abound, not the least of which is we can do this right now, together, without raising current tax rates. This unique situation is a win-win for our students and community!

Two years ago, voters approved a levy to reduce class sizes and purchase new science and math curriculum/materials. Our district fulfilled the promises made then to our community. Due to state law, unfortunately, levies for school district maintenance and operations expire after two years. Hence, the district is back again asking for essential funding to continue making improvements in the areas of curriculum; technology; safety; programs for advanced and struggling learners; performing arts and extra-curricular programs. Please vote yes for the levy on March 14.

Levy funding focuses on student learning. But where that learning takes place — whether it is safe, equitable and equipped for the number of students — is where a bond comes in. School districts in Idaho receive no federal or state funding for building renovation or construction. It is up to us. And what a remarkable opportunity we have to make needed and overdue improvements to Lake City and Coeur d’Alene High Schools; Lakes Magnet Middle School; Dalton, Hayden Meadows and Fernan Elementary Schools. With this bond, the district will also acquire land and build a new elementary school in the northwest section of our district. Please join me in voting yes for this bond for our schools on March 14.

