Friday, May 03, 2024

Ask your audiologist… Please try out the new stuff!

| June 14, 2017 1:00 AM

Every year around this time the hearing aid manufacturers release and train audiologist and hearing instrument specialists on all of the newest products. I have the feeling the economy is getting better because the manufacturers have given me multiple pairs of new demonstration loaners for my patients to try.

How do you know if something is right for you unless you have a chance to try it first?

For the first time ever I have brand new technology (including rechargeable) from 5 of the best manufacturers. I am stoked to try them on people to see how they do. I have learned from experience that new is not always better.

That is why I love to try loaners on people. I loan them out for a week at a time and let people experience them in their own environment, not just in the clinic or store. I want people to wear them where they have the most trouble. Try them in the car, church, meetings and restaurants. I like people to give me their honest opinion. Do they help you understand in noise? Are you hearing on the TV at a lower volume level? How do you hear on the phone? Does your spouse tell you they don’t have to repeat themselves as often? These are the kinds of life improvements we hope hearing well gives you.

I always get asked if I worry about someone stealing my demonstration loaners. It is a concern but I haven’t had anybody “rip me off” yet. Loaning out demonstration aids is based on trust. The manufacturers are pretty clever. They have stamped the aids with a big “Demo” so they will be confiscated if they were to ever be sent in for a repair. So clever that some loaners have automatic turn off systems built in to discourage people from stealing them. It doesn’t do any good to not return something that is going to stop working in 10 days.

I love to get feedback on the new stuff to see what people really think. I like to know if they are really hearing better or like the design of new accessories. If you are considering hearing aids or thinking about getting a new pair I would love to consult with you. Just call for a demonstration loaner appointment. I have something that should work for mild to severe hearing loss including simple elegant aids for the elderly and I-phone direct for the boomers.

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Dr. Tia Flynn is a certified audiologist and has been in business for more than 17 years. Every Tuesday morning from 9 a.m. to noon, Dr. Flynn provides free hearing screenings at 1601 Third St. in Coeur d’Alene. (208) 664-2767. Visit our newly updated website for an online hearing test and watch helpful videos.