Thursday, May 02, 2024

SCHOOL: So many thanks

| June 9, 2017 1:00 AM

As the school year comes to an end, I would like to publicly thank the many people who contributed to its success. First, thank you to the teachers, faculty and staff who showed up to work every day to foster the growth of these students. From the principal and classroom teachers to the administrative assistants, custodians, and classroom assistants, every school employee was essential in creating a positive learning environment and inspiring students. Thank you for the countless hours of sacrifice to help create a better future.

Second, thank you to the school board who faced many decisions and made their best judgments on difficult issues. I have addressed the board several times, and whether or not they agreed with my ideas, I always felt they listened openly and considered what I said. A special thank you to Christa Hazel who was elected to her board position during a controversial period and was able to bring reasonable discussions back to the meetings. I will miss her thoughtful questions and analytical insight.

Third, thank you to Superintendent Matt Handelman for his service to our schools. He stepped into the role of superintendent at a contentious time and has been able to lead the school district to a balanced and even course. He was open-minded and professional every time that I interacted with him. Although he lived in Washington, I felt he put Coeur d’Alene schools as his first priority. I wish him the best of luck as he begins a new chapter in his life.


Coeur d’Alene