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Find the source of joint point to solve it

| June 7, 2017 1:00 AM

Joint pain is one of the most common symptoms people experience. Most remedies and treatments only address the symptom of pain without addressing the root cause of the pain. NSAIDS are the most commonly prescribed medications for joint pain in the United States. The long-term use of NSAIDS may alleviate the pain, but it never fixes the source of the problem. Over time, joints begin to degenerate to the point that often surgery becomes the only option. This is the result of treating the symptom instead of the cause.

When joints do not work properly, the muscles and ligaments cannot function properly either. Muscles absorb most of the shock of weight bearing. Reciprocal inhibition describes the process of muscles on one side of a joint relaxing to accommodate contraction on the other side of that joint. Joints are controlled by two opposing sets of muscles, which must work together for smooth movement. When enough muscles in a given area are inhibited, connective tissues, such as ligaments, bursa, adipose tissue, and cartilage, are forced to take on a larger supportive role. These connective tissues are not designed to assume the extra burden.

The body’s defense system activates pain centers, inflammation, and swelling to protect the joint. Pain acts to force a reduction in stress on the joint. Inflammation is designed to promote healing, and swelling is designed to help cushion and protect the joint in a healing cascade. When the joint becomes inflamed or injured, a reaction occurs which causes further muscle inhibition and instability. If a joint is irritated, injured, or inflamed, any muscle that attaches to or crosses over the joint will become inhibited.

If this process is left to continue, connective tissues begin to break down leading to joint instability. Ligaments begin to stretch beyond normal limits and lose their ability to stabilize the joint. Intense burning pain, similar to nerve root pain, happens when a tendon exceeds its ability to stretch. The muscles become chronically tight to act as a splint for the joint to limit motion. As time passes, joints break down as arthritic changes occur, with the last attempts of the body to stabilize it being bony spurs and fusion.

Many therapies have been developed that can be effective at each of these stages of breakdown. Chiropractors correct the underlying cause of joint dysfunction so that the body can restore normal ranges of motion in the region that allows for the compensatory soft tissue reactions to heal. Chiropractic adjustments along with other healing disciplines, can produce impressive results to correct acute injures as well as improve joint alignment and function to stop the arthritic process.

For more information, contact Dr. Wendy at