Thursday, May 02, 2024

ANGELS: I met two

| June 4, 2017 1:00 AM

On May 23, a fairly hot day, I was sitting on Neider and U.S. 95 about six cars behind a red light. A young person tapped on my window to say I had a flat tire! No choice but to cross the road and find a safe place to park.

I turned onto Fruitland into a parking area and under a shade tree. I prayed my cell phone was charged as it was 4:15 p.m. At that moment, a red car pulled in and a young couple hopped out and said, “We’re here to help you.”

Are they earthly angels? To me they were!

While the man worked, the lady and I had a conversation about faith. Now the man had finished the job and told me to follow him to Parker Toyota. Do you feel this is coincidence? No! They were at a place where they were needed.

I am thanking them again and thanking God for these lovely people. To make them really “real,” they are Devin and Jessica Shuck.

