Thursday, May 02, 2024

America's most misspelled words

| June 2, 2017 2:51 PM

Why are so many people in Idaho unable to spell “quote”? And why do they need to know how to spell it?

Those are the Gem State mysteries evoked by Google Trends’ recent release of the top searches for “how to spell” by state.

With the most searches for “how to spell quote,” Idaho’s most misspelled word is one of the shortest in the nation. Oregon is also unable to spell a shorter word: “sense.”

Most states’ most misspelled words are 6-10 letters and understandably difficult to spell, like New Hampshire’s respectable “diarrhea” or Arkansas’ “chihuahua.”

New Jersey’s most misspelled word is as perplexing as Idaho’s. Why are New Jerseyans clamoring to spell “twelve” and why do they need to look it up?

Any thoughts on why so many of us in Idaho don’t know how to spell “quote?”