Saturday, December 21, 2024

TRUMP: Don't be surprised

| July 28, 2017 1:00 AM

Sheriff Trump of Nottingham is cutting help to the poor to enrich wealthy corporations. (Surprise, surprise!)

Elected to help workers, is cutting education funding, cutting Social Security Disability funding for your crippled family members, lowering workers’ wages, reducing water safety conditions, stripping $900 billion off Medicaid funding. (Surprise, surprise!)

Trump promotes the welfare of CEOs, corporate presidents and money managers. Trump has appointed corporate leaders/corporate lobbyists for plum jobs in his government agencies. These 100+ businessmen are rewriting federal government agencies to benefit corporate goals and not the workers, customers, or the children of America. (Surprise, surprise!)

Like most bullies, Trump must convince you that he is being attacked and witch hunted before Trump attacks and witch hunts. We elected Sheriff Wolverine and now he is eating your future and your children’s future. (Surprise, surprise!)


Coeur d’Alene