Saturday, December 21, 2024

ORDER: Reasonable, inclusive

| July 9, 2017 1:00 AM

After reading the letter to the editor and the opinion piece from Rep. Jordan in Wednesday’s paper about private data invasion, I thought it important to share what I found on the internet. It was simple to find the president’s executive order, as well as a letter written to one of the states. What I found was a reasonable approach to reviewing registration and voting processes.

First, the exec order establishes the committee, its mission, etc. but it does not address voter data. Whereas, the letter from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity to the States does bring up voter data. I found the letter to be inclusive in nature, asking for the states’ contribution of their views and recommendations. What was interesting was a few words from the letter NOT being reported in the news or commentaries. Those words being the requested voter data that is “publicly available.” It was mentioned twice in the letter, but all that seems to be reported on is the invasion of private data.

Below are the links to review and decide for yourself. If an issue is important to you, look into it and the documentation behind it.

Last comment, with little media attention, is the Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure which was signed the same day.

