NOISE: Put a lid on it
The Coeur d’Alene City Council’s action to address excessive noise is certainly a welcomed beginning in dealing with this blemish on our town. For too long, out of control drivers and motorcyclists have been imposing their brand of selfishness on the majority of citizens. Most folks want to enjoy the beauty and serenity that was once Coeur d’Alene.
Some of the discussion that accompanied the passing of these ordinances troubled me. Chief White stated that the application of these amended ordinances would be rare, and the intent is to be educational. It seems to me that the educational component would consist of signs strategically placed at the entrances to Coeur d’Alene stating “Noise Ordinances Strictly Enforced.” Why waste the time of our understaffed patrol officers? Exceptions, in the form of a warning, could be made for the drivers of cars that have a faulty muffler. Most offenders don’t need to be stopped and told “you are being a moron.” Paying a substantial fine can be educational, too.
Councilman Gookins’ comments were more troubling. He suggested that people have the right to make noise, and I have the right to go somewhere else. How unthinking. I live four blocks off Sherman and just want to be able to sit on my front porch and enjoy some fresh air on a nice evening. The noise created by most of these motorists is intentional. To suggest that I should leave my home is outrageous.
Thank you to those council members who voted in favor of adopting these ordinances.
Coeur d’Alene