Sunday, October 13, 2024

PROTEST: Bullies and miscreants?

| February 23, 2017 12:00 AM

As chair of the Kootenai County Democrats, I am compelled to respond to my colleague of the Republican Central Committee. Now you know how we feel whenever we have a publicized event. You have nothing to fear from our contingent of peaceful, responsible, respectful citizens. We too have arranged for extra security at our events. You have more to fear from the same people we have concerns about as we peacefully gather and march: tough guys in suped up pickups who try to run us down in parking lots or so-called “patriots” who shout obscenities and insults.

We are fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, teachers, students, technicians, business people, service workers, public servants, just like you. We believe, just like you, that real patriotism is demonstrated by standing up for the principles embodied in our Constitution, like separation of church and state; balance of power among the three branches of government; freedom of speech and assembly, and many others. And we will keep on demonstrating our patriotism, peacefully.


Chair, KCDCC