Wednesday, October 09, 2024

SCHOOLS: An inside view

| February 17, 2017 12:00 AM

With the vote on our local school Bond and Levy coming up in a month, I did not want the assertions made in Jim Hollingsworth’s recent letter to go unanswered.

The assertion that most of the Levy money goes to teacher pay increases is WRONG. The assertion that teachers are somehow overpaid is misguided. As a volunteer in the classroom, I see dedicated, caring teachers who strive every day on behalf of our children. The job does not end when they walk out of the classroom at the end of the day.

The Levy we will vote for in March will:

• Fund six new school buses.

• Allow the adoption of a more comprehensive English Language Arts K-12 program.

• Allow the schools to maintain a proper class size for the benefit of all students.

The state does not provide full funding for operation of our schools. Local districts are expected to raise additional funds to supplement state funding. In our case, the state provides less than 80 percent of the operating funds that are required.

The bond we will vote for in March will be used 100 percent for facilities. The bond will fund a new elementary school, and facility improvements in six other schools.

This request comes at a time when a vote for the bond and the Levy will NOT increase our tax rate. This is an excellent time to show our support.

Let’s support our children and invest in their schools by voting YES on March 14.

