Wednesday, October 23, 2024

PRESS: Liberal opinions abound

| August 27, 2017 1:00 AM

Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Missouri state senator, called for the assassination of President Trump, Madonna advocated blowing up the White House and Kathy Lee Griffin proudly posed with a severed head of the president. Is Steve Cameron, staff writer for The Press, entering the fray with his hate-filled spew of the legitimately elected president under the guise of his self-righteous and bigoted preaching against bigotry and racism? Irony at its finest.

The only division being fomented in this country is coming from black nationalists (Cameron disparages Congressman Labrador for equating them with hate) antifa, left-wing socialists, communists, Democrats, the mainstream media, and the all paid united front counter-protesters who incite violence and restrict free speech.

Why doesn’t The Press issue a disclaimer with each article Cameron, the Patricks, and others who espouse leftists’ views paid by The Press? Why aren’t they relegated to the “Readers Write” opinion section like the rest of us? The omission of the disclaimer indicates The Press is but an extension of the major fake news media outlets CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS, and makes Dwayne Hagadone the ultimate culprit. Pardon my naivety in this matter. Sholeh Patrick frequently glorifies Islam, Hinduism and humanism (again no opinion section, no disclaimer) in her articles. Incidentally, Mrs. Patrick, regarding the state of women’s equality and its progress in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world, conspicuously omits reference to Islamic countries in her most recent article. She should go try living in Saudi Arabia for awhile and see how that works for her.


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