Saturday, October 12, 2024

AMADOR: Level-headed for all

| September 30, 2016 9:00 PM

In the upcoming election, Coeur d’Alene has the chance to vote for new representation in Boise. I encourage you to join me in voting for Paul Amador for Idaho House of Representatives.

Paul is the reasonable and level-headed representation we’ve been waiting for. He is a highly educated professional who understands the issues facing the classroom, the boardroom, the hospital room and everything in between. He grew up on a farm and was raised on the values that make our community great. As a true conservative, he will work to keep taxes down and the economy up, while still supporting our kids and their future.

There isn’t a single issue facing Idahoans that couldn’t use improvement. Our education system has been weakened at nearly every level and the detriment has been to our most valuable resource, our children. Economic growth has been hindered by poor policymaking while many people are still looking for quality, high-paying jobs. Meanwhile, the rising cost of health care has affected many Idahoans, particularly the most vulnerable among us.

Paul has already vowed to fight the unreasonableness that has gripped Boise for far too long. What’s more, he has the skills to actually do it. We all love our community and want the best for it. What we need now is someone willing to do what it takes to work productively toward sensible solutions. Vote early or vote Nov. 8 for the person best suited to represent the wishes of our community. Vote for Paul Amador.


Coeur d’Alene