Sunday, October 06, 2024

REFUGEES: Cost too high

| September 25, 2016 9:00 PM

In response to the letter from Mr. Mallory, I wholeheartedly agree with him. Our elected officials are wrong to place the cost of refugees onto the citizens of the United States. Boise’s mayor did just that; those refugees have been given residence in our state, which in fact we will pay for both with the cost of their care and possible lives that may be taken. These refugees are not adequately screened. No one can honestly say these people will or will not cause harm to our citizens. It is NOT a decision for a mayor or any other elected office holder to make for the citizens of their state. These are not issues far fetched from happening as they are happening already.

Another problem is the diseases that come with refugees who have not had shots and can carry problems to America from their homeland. The United States is undergoing a huge amount of refugees from numerous locations, all of which are costing the American citizens. We are trillions of dollars in debt as is. The cost, the possible terrorism, the non-acceptance to our flag, our laws and matter of speech will bring most certainly extreme problems which could indeed cost us our home, our United States and THAT should never be up to one person!


Spirit Lake