Tuesday, October 01, 2024

California is not an enemy nation

| September 7, 2016 9:00 PM

Ron Ekas of Glen Ellen, Calif., we apologize.

On behalf of our community, we’re embarrassed and sorry for the rude treatment you received on a recent visit to Coeur d’Alene, when an irate driver essentially flipped you off with a sign that read, “California — Go Home!”

Mr. Ekas, your letter to the editor, which we published Sunday and you were good enough to comment on via cdapress.com, drew a great many perspectives from readers on Californians coming to North Idaho. Some of the strongest worded came from locals who resent the conservative movement they’ve divined from California — the “white flight” phenomenon we’ve all read so much about. Others assume that Californians infringing on their turf represent a liberal incursion, for assorted reasons.

For the second editorial in a row we have to ask: Isn’t there room here for everyone who’s willing to obey the laws of our land and exercise good citizenship?

We know a great, great many native Californians who have adopted — and improved — North Idaho. Some are retired law enforcement and firefighters, the kind of people you not only want in your community, but hope end up buying the house next to you. Some are highly successful business people — the kind who buy second or even third homes here, pay far more than their fair share of taxes and demand little of public services in exchange. Most of the Californidahoans we know are just good people who came here for the same reasons those of us from Illinois, Nebraska, Arizona and elsewhere chose to make North Idaho home: This is one of the best places in all the land to live.

For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the online response from Mr. Ekas to other commenters. We couldn’t have said it better:

Hey I understand you like your small town ways. I come from Sonoma, a small town too, that is growing fast like yours, because they are both wonderful places. I’m a retired police officer. I have family in Hayden & Spokane, that’s why I’m up there all the time. But let’s be real clear about one key point. This America, and as an American-born citizen, each & every city in this country is my home. When she held up the sign, after nearly causing an accident with her aggressive maneuver, I thought that she was insane, but chuckled at her train of thought of, “See a California plate, start a confrontation.” The thing is, I agree with most of you up there in that money comes up there and encroaches upon your accustomed way of life. I’ve experienced the same thing here in “whine country” (that’s a good one by the way), but I don’t carry signs, I don’t tell people to go back where they came from...why? Because it’s America - Land of the Free. Get used to it though, because I’ll (and my fellow Californians) be back. Sorry if that bothers you, but as an American, I’ll go where the heck I please.