Saturday, December 28, 2024

GOP: Here's your victory

| November 18, 2016 8:00 PM

So, my congratulations go out to the Republicans everywhere who won all branches of government. The Presidency, the House, the Senate and yes, the Supreme Court. The last time this happened was in 1928. Of course, the Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted until 1942, when war created jobs for millions of Americans at last (although at the same time, hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed in that war). Just saying.

So I’m waiting to see, all you Republicans who elected Donald Trump, if he will solve all your problems (real or imagined, whatever they may be). I’m looking for Obamacare to be repealed, Roe vs. Wade to be reversed, jobs brought back to the United States and employing millions of Americans, a great wall to be built to keep out all foreigners and aliens, and Social Security and Medicare to be privatized (all faithfully promised by Republicans).

Of course, this land was opened to millions of immigrants and slavery was abolished as well, but God forbid that the progress we made in the last century on human rights (women‘s rights, gay rights, transgender rights, etc.) be acknowledged. Instead, let’s go back to the age where white males ruled supreme, and everyone else was an afterthought. Women voting, never! Women having control and rights over their own bodies, absolutely never! LGBT citizens with rights, absolutely freaking never!

The only problem with that thinking: America is no longer a white majority. People of all different races, colors and religions are citizens in this great country. Hillary won the popular vote, but thanks to Republican gerrymandering, the Electoral College does not now reflect the wishes of the people. The last time this happened was with Al Gore, also a Democrat, who won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College vote. See a pattern here? It’s time to get rid of the Electoral College and allow candidates to win by popular vote, Democrat or Republican.

I’d also like the anonymous cowardly Republican person who wrote me a short note calling me an “arrogant, stupid bitch” and mailing it to my home in response to my last Letter to the Editor to at least have the guts to let me respond to them in person so that I can sue them for libel, as I am provably neither arrogant nor stupid, and certainly not a bitch. I’m a person who believes I can express my opinions without fear of retaliation or of notes like that.

