Wednesday, October 09, 2024

SECEDE: Just try it

| November 16, 2016 8:00 PM

I hope Steve Cameron wrote his column, “Four nations, under God…” as a joke and not his real feelings on the matter. I never looked at Steve as a cry-baby sympathizer before. I know two people have filed a petition in Oregon to put secession on the ballot in 2018. All they need is 1,000 signatures to get it on the ballot. I don’t believe that will be difficult to do, considering all the cry-babies that are protesting in Portland.

Some of the big guys in Silicon Valley started throwing the same idea around starting about 10 p.m. on election night when their candidate was in the throes of going down in flames. Give it a couple of weeks and maybe they will change their minds when they start thinking of the repercussions of secession from the USA. If they are their own sovereign country and have no ties to the rest of the USA, who’s going to pay for all of their beloved illegal aliens’ support, health care, food stamps, etc. Won’t be the USA anymore just their new nation picking up the tab.

The populous ought to love that tax hike (as if it isn’t already difficult to live in California money-wise). That is only the beginning. The USA government won’t allow any USA defense contractor to operate in a foreign country, so there goes Lockheed-Martin, Northrop and parts of Boeing, etc. They also will have to pick up their own defense costs. But hey, they love everyone so they won’t have to worry, nobody will hurt them. Right! This is only the beginning. The USA will not take kindly to a neighbor that lets anybody (bad guys included) into their country. Because everyone is a friend and a friend won’t hurt you. Right!

I need not go on, you get the picture. And the chances of North Idaho merging with any of the Left Coast states is a real hoot — good luck with that, snowflakes.

