Monday, September 30, 2024

Celebrating our oldest veterans

by Bethany Blitz Staff Writer
| November 12, 2016 8:00 PM

Ralph Ward is one of the lucky ones, according to retired Maj. Christina Kirkland. World War II was one of the deadliest wars, and at 101 years old, all Ward could say was: “Well, I’m glad I’m alive.”

A Veterans Day ceremony was held at the Brookdale Senior Center in Coeur d’Alene where four World War II veterans were honored: Bud Budvarson, Wess Lindsey, Earl Hyde and Ralph Ward.

Ward’s wife, Kazuko, attended the ceremony as well. The couple met in Japan after the war and moved to the U.S.

“He served this country and people appreciate it and appreciate living in the U.S.,” she said.

Hyde, however, had already attended a few ceremonies Friday before this one.

“I’m having a terrific day,” he said. “I went to a few ceremonies and we all got to share stories.”

This was the first Veterans Day ceremony Lindsey had attended in a long time. He said it was special to be honored.

All four of the men who served in World War II were given door hangers that said “veteran” on one side, and “land of the free, home of the brave” on the other.

The ceremony concluded with the reciting the pledge of allegiance and the singing of the national anthem.

Maj. Kirkland said she likes Veterans Day because it gives her a way to keep serving.

“Their service kept us safe so other vets could serve,” she said of the World War II veterans. “All of these gentlemen, they’re miracles because they made it home.”