What is causing your headache?
If you really want to get rid of your headaches and other migraine symptoms, I may be able to help you. If we can properly identify the CAUSE of your headaches, we may be able to transform your life. You may be able to live free from the pain — you could live without limits on what you can be and what you can do!!
Like most patients, you have probably been somewhat confused about this entire subject of headache/migraine pain. You may be wondering things like — is it a migraine, is it a tumor, is it an aneurysm, is it tension, is it stress, is it sinus, is it arthritis, is it a pinched nerve. WHAT US IT?? WHAT’S THE CAUSE??
And you are frustrated; your headaches are constant. Painkillers and Botox may sometimes help temporarily. But you don’t know when your next headache will happen. Will it be before that next big event or vacation? The stiffness in your neck and/or congestion in your sinuses is always there.
Remember, you are not alone in your confusion and frustration about the pain. Probably everyone else is too — your family, your friends, and even your doctor! You and your healthcare provider may be dealing with headaches the wrong way. The right way starts with knowing what the real cause of the headache, dizziness, neck stiffness, sinus congestion, facial pain, sore shoulders, etc. is.
What if the pain is referred to the place where you are feeling the pain from another place. You all know that you may experience pain in your left arm or left jaw when a heart attack happens. There is nothing in the jaw or arm that is causing pain — it is the heart!! Likewise, your headache may be the same. It may be referred pain like the heart attack.
But we all want the quick-fix of painkillers, Botox, etc., which all put you on the run from the pain; you are the victim and you are playing defense. This quick-fix approach can create rebound headaches and you go more on the defense. So is you are relying on painkillers, you may get worse.
The right approach is to diagnose the real cause of the headache and eliminate THAT cause. Our office offers a comprehensive exam to properly show the real cause of your pain. This is after other tests rule out tumors, etc. And if the exam shows the cause of your pain is related to your dental bite — the way your teeth come together, we offer a treatment. We treat the dental bite and the trigger points that cause the pain. Our website (www.HeartfeltHeadacheRelief.com) will give you more information about the treatment and shows some cases of patients who have benefited from the therapy.
Dr. Donald Johnson founded Heartfelt Headache Relief in Coeur d’Alene to help patients stop their pain and live free with no limits! His office is at 114 W. Neider Ave., near Costco. The website for more information is www.HeartfeltHeadacheRelief.com and the office phone is (208) 667-4551. Schedule an appointment today!