Wednesday, October 09, 2024

HILLARY: Opposition unmasked

| November 4, 2016 9:00 PM

Has anyone with a modicum of intelligence wondered why the emails from the Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff are being leaked like a broken sieve, while Donald Trump’s tax returns and HIS emails are safe and sound? Why the FBI director (an obvious GOP operative) who soundly chastised Hillary for her handling of her emails is now re-opening an investigation into her emails again? Why Benghazi is suddenly back in the news and a hot topic once again, even though millions of dollars of taxpayers money was spent on GOP hearings, ad nauseam? Why Donald Trump, an obnoxious, obscene and obsolete example of mankind, and a product of obsessive obstructionism by the GOP, is the favored of Wikileaks via Russia (who is determined to interfere in our election)?

Wake up America! The reason for all the above? Hillary Clinton, flaws and all (and who doesn’t have them) is dangerously close to becoming the first capable WOMAN President of these United States. Yea, rah, hooray! God bless her and God bless the United States of America!

