Saturday, December 28, 2024

TRUMP: Darwin was wrong

| November 2, 2016 9:00 PM

I used to believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution but with Donald Trump’s campaign for president I am having my doubts. Mr. Trump does not appear to have evolved mentally beyond the level of the cave man. In his own words, if he wants a woman he just thumps her and drags her off to his cave. So much for morality and family values.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been investigated by numerous committees for 25 years at the cost of millions and has never had one charge filed against her. Donald Trump has been involved in 3,500 lawsuits and has paid numerous non-disclosure settlements. Hillary must be the smartest target ever attacked by muckrakers.

The FBI said Hillary lied and was careless with her computer. Yet the servers of the FBI have since been hacked, TWICE!

Where were the Republicans when terrorists killed dozens and scores of embassy personnel under Republican administrations? The Benghazi debacle killed four.

Donald Trump has admitted in the debates to not paying any taxes. Hillary and Bill reveal their returns showing they have patriotically paid taxes and have donated to charity. Trump uses his foundation to launder income received but the Clinton Foundation has helped millions of families around the world.

On Nov. 8, I will be very proud to cast my vote for the very competent and centrist first woman president of ALL the people of the United States.


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