HILLARY: She's just evil
When we think of evil personified we conjure up images of sinister, ugly, weird faces like Frankenstein, zombies, werewolves, or a red faced devil with horns.
However, the Bible tells us in 2Co 11:14 that “… Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Can you imagine that? The most powerful evil being to ever exist can disguise himself as someone pleasant, friendly and benign. The most evil dictators in history all had a charismatic side to their personalities that gained them a following until they seized power.
The most prominent face of evil today in America is that of Hillary Clinton. She presents herself publicly as a cheerful, happy, smiling, grandmotherly type who is rich in experience and knowledge, and can lead our country into a better future. In private, aids and associates fear her anger and threats. There is nothing she wouldn’t do, if she could get away with it, to become president.
Anyone willing to look into Hillary’s history can easily see all the corruption she has been involved in throughout her political career. To name a few; Whitewater with it’s amazing fatality rate of Clinton’s associates, Travelgate, Filegate, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, and of course her email scandal.
Anyone who thinks Hillary is a nice person, or a capable leader is willfully ignorant and deceived. She will likely be the doom of this country if elected. I know I’m mostly preaching to the choir here in North Idaho. But the choir needs to get the word out to their friends and relatives in other areas that are more liberal. Perhaps we can save America yet.
Coeur d’Alene