Saturday, December 28, 2024

Heart disease, stroke and your teeth

by Donald Johnson
| November 2, 2016 9:00 PM

Gum disease (periodontal disease) can cause strokes and heart disease as well as tooth loss. All of these are expensive. Go to the American Heart Association web site and read the study entitled “Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: Does the Evidence Support an Independent Association?” That is, does gum disease cause these problems by themselves?

Understanding the American Heart Association Study

Briefly, I will explain what it says. There have been hundreds of studies by qualified scientists looking at possible relationships between periodontal disease and heart disease and stroke. Some of the studies showed a link and some didn’t. There are always other conditions that can influence both heart disease and stroke; for instance, there is drinking, smoking, diabetes, and others.

Still today, after this study we cannot say that gum disease causes coronary disease directly.

The meaning for your health

This does not mean that there is no effect of gum disease on your heart. Therefore you shouldn’t stop doing everything to prevent heart disease and stroke. The study concludes that studies support “an association between PD [ periodontal disease] and ASVD [Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease]” are important to note. The link is real! The study says “Patients and healthcare providers should not ignore the increased risk of heart disease associated with gum disease just because we do not have all the answers yet.”

You must protect yourself

Do not stop brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist regularly. Periodontal disease is dangerous and can be progressing in your mouth without you even being aware of it. It has no symptoms at the beginning. It is silent at the beginning, but your dentist can identify it and warn you about it. When you finally do notice pain or soreness and bleeding in your gums, the disease can be quite advanced. In this stage, it is serious! You need to have regular periodontal exams by your dentist. Heart disease and stroke are dangerous and periodontal disease can make them much worse.


Dr. Donald Johnson founded Heartfelt Family Dental in Coeur d’Alene to help patients with their dental needs and live free with no limits! His office is at 114 W. Neider Ave., near Costco. The website for more information is and the office phone is (208) 667-4551. Schedule an appointment today!