Saturday, December 28, 2024

ELECTION: Need a third party

| May 25, 2016 9:00 PM

As a once staunch Republican it pains me to observe the outright unwillingness of some in this once great party to accept the voters choice of nominee in this election cycle.

It is testament to the fact that not only have the party “elite” lost their way but they are more than eager to lead astray those who once placed their trust in them as well.

I don’t know just what it is “they” think they know better than us what is good for us, the voting public, but their willingness to exercise that privilege for us is perhaps the single most glaring example of the need for a third party.

Anytime one’s own political party, be it Democrat or Republican, thinks it knows better than the voters it supposedly represents who should or shouldn’t be the nominee over and above the person the people vote for it is time to look elsewhere.

The total arrogance of a couple of past presidents and other so-called “leaders” in the Republican Party regarding their refusal to endorse the presumptive nominee is beyond tolerating by the voters and people should start pushing for a third “independent” party.

It matters not a whit to these geniuses that Trump is saying a lot of things that resonate with the voting public. All that matters to them is what “they” want even if it goes against the will of the people. If we would have had a different nominee in ’08 on the Republican side, maybe we wouldn’t have this nightmare called Obama for the last eight years.

This election cycle every Republican should go out and vote and then start getting together enough to organize and establish a third party for all of the dissatisfied Republicans AND Democrats.

