Legals May 20, 2016
NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) Case No. CV16-3093 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Stacy Marie South A Petition to change the name of Stacy Marie South, now residing in the City of Coeur d'Alene, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Alaska, The reason for the change in name is: Personal preference. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9 o'clock A.M. on May 31, 2016 at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: 4/19/2016 JIM BRANNON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: JEAN HICKS Deputy Clerk LEGAL 5477 MAY 6, 13, 20, 27, 2016
NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. CV 16-3369 IN THE DISTRICT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: SANDRA L.G. PATTERSON Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) MONTHS after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 4 day of May, 2016. /S/_________________________ DAVID M. PATTERSON Personal Representative c/o CUSACK LAW FIRM, PLLC 320 E. Neider Avenue, Suite 206 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 LEGAL 5560 MAY 6, 13, 20, 2016
NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NO. CV16-2889 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of: JOHN W. OSTMAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That United State s of America, acting through the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development has filed herein a Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy and Formal Appointment of Personal Representative, a copy of which is on file with the above entitled Court in the above captioned estate pursuant to the statutes of the State of Idaho applicable thereto. A hearing has been set upon said Petition on the 16th day of June, 2016 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at the courtroom of the above entitled Court in Coeur d'Alene, County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Dated this 26 day of April, 2016. FOUSER LAW OFFICES, P.A. /S/_________________________ SCOTT E. FOUSER Attorney for Petitioner LEGAL 5564 MAY 6, 13, 20,2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL USE PERMIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Hayden Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm at Hayden City Hall Council Chambers, 8930 N. Government Way, Idaho, to consider Case No. SUP 0037, a request by Coeur d'Alene School District #271 for a Special Use Permit approval to allow the placement of a temporary classroom portable approximately 28' wide and 70' in length at the Hayden Meadows Elementary School addressed as 900 E Hayden Avenue, Hayden, Kootenai County, Idaho. The applicant is proposing to locate this portable on the southeast side of the existing school building just south of the existing small greenhouse building. A new ramp will be constructed to service the portable classroom. The temporary portable will add approximately 50 students to the site. A school is a special use in the Residential zone, as per City Code Section 11-6-7. The legal description of the subject site is as follows: A tract of land being the South 871.40 feet of the North 901.40 feet of the West 500 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 51, Range 4 W, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho and being further described as follows: Commencing at a found iron rod and aluminum cap marking the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24; Thence, along the established west line of the Northeast Quarter, South 00843' 38" East, a distance of 30.01 feet to a found iron rod and aluminum cap in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence, along the proposed South right-of-way line of Hayden Avenue, South 89830'00" East, a distance of 500.00 feet to a set 5/8 inch iron rod and cap; Thence, South 00843'38" East a distance of 871.40 feet to a set iron rod and cap; Thence, North 89830'00" West, a distance of 500.00 feet to a set iron rod and cap on the West line of the Northeast Quarter; Thence, along said West line, North 00843'38" West, a distance of 871.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. All persons desiring to provide oral testimony should appear at the hearing. Written testimony may be sent to the City of Hayden, Community and Economic Development Department, Hayden, Idaho, 83835; faxed to (208) 772-2282; or, emailed to Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, May 30, 2016. Written testimony received after this date will not be entered into the record or read at the public hearing. Assistance for persons with disabilities will be provided upon 24-hour notice prior to the public hearing. LEGAL 5589 MAY 20, 2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL USE PERMIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Hayden Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, June 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm at Hayden City Hall Council Chambers, 8930 N. Government Way, Idaho, to consider Case No. SUP 0038, a request by Coeur d' Alene School District #271 for a Special Use Permit approval to allow the installation of two temporary classroom portables approximately 38' wide x 66' long at Atlas Elementary School addressed as 3000 West Honeysuckle Avenue, Hayden, Idaho and located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Atlas Road and W Honeysuckle Avenue. The applicant is proposing to locate both portables on the southeast side of the existing school building. Portable #1 is proposed to be located south of an existing portable, which was moved to the site in 2014. Portable #2 is proposed to be located 20 feet west of and in line north/south of portable #1. Landscaping to provide a buffer is proposed within the application request. A school is a special use in the Residential zone, as per City Code Section 11-6-7. The legal description of the subject site is as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Hayden School Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder in Book J of Plats at Page 2, Boise Meridian, records of Kootenai County Idaho. All persons desiring to provide oral testimony should appear at the hearing. Written testimony may be sent to the City of Hayden, Community and Economic Development Department, Hayden, Idaho, 83835; faxed to (208) 772-2282; or, emailed to Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, May 30, 2016. Written testimony received after this date will not be entered into the record or read at the public hearing. Assistance for persons with disabilities will be provided upon 24-hour notice prior to the public hearing. LEGAL 5590 MAY 20, 2016
TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE TS No.: 60128-17851-NJ-ID Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Gary Hall, a married man as his sole and separate property, as grantor, to First American Lenders Advantage as trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Ally Bank Corp. f/k/a GMAC Bank as beneficiary, dated March 18, 2010, recorded April 9, 2010, in the mortgage records of Kootenai County, Idaho, as Document No. 2260840000, and assigned to Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae"), its successors or assigns, creditor c/o Seterus, Inc. by assignment recorded on May 15, 2015 in the records of Kootenai County, Idaho, as Document No.2498010000, covering the following described real property situated in said county and state, to wit: LOT 23, BLOCK 1, OF RIVERSIDE HARBOR 3RD ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEROF RECORDED IN BOOK F OF PLATS, PAGES 365, RECORDS OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 707 S. Shoreline Court, Post Falls, ID 83854 There is a default by the grantor or other person owing an obligation or by their successor in interest, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, or by their successor in interest, with respect to provisions therein which authorize sale in the event of default of such provision. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantors' failure to pay when due the following sums: monthly payments of $975.41 beginning August 1, 2014 through April 15, 2016 in the amount of $19,508.20; plus tax and insurance of $5,047.40; plus late charge of $292.62; plus forecasted late charges of $48.77 for February 2016; less a suspense balance of $901.55; plus other fees and costs in the amount of $2,034.56; together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described real property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: $182,647.86 with interest thereon at the rate of 5.75000 percent per annum beginning July 1, 2014 through April 15, 2016 in the amount of $17,869.80; plus Escrow Over Draft of $4,368.10; less a suspense balance of $901.55; plus late charges of $292.62; plus other fees and costs in the amount of $1,915.56; together with title expense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees incurred herein by reason of said default; any further sums advanced by the beneficiary for the protection of the above described property and its interest therein; and prepayment penalties/premiums, if applicable. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee will on August 31, 2016, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at Veteran`s Memorial Plaza, North Ent Admin Bldg, 451 N Government Way, Coeur d`Alene, ID 83815, in the City of Coeur d`Alene, County of Kootenai, State of Idaho, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the real property described above, which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by grantor of the trust deed together with any interest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of the trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of the sale, including reasonable charges by the trustee. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. DATED: _________ ____, 2016 ____________________________ Printed Name: Lisa McMahon- Myhran, Trustee ISB #_____ Robinson Tait, P.S. 710 Second Ave, Suite 710 Seattle, WA 98104 THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED A DISCHARGE OF THE DEBT REFERENCED HEREIN IN A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING, THIS LETTER IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO IMPOSE PERSONAL LIABILITY UPON YOU FOR PAYMENT OF THAT DEBT. IN THE EVENT YOU HAVE RECEIVED A BANKRUPTCY DISCHARGE, ANY ACTION TO ENFORCE THE DEBT WILL BE TAKEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY ONLY. LEGAL 5593 MAY 13, 20, 27, 2016 JUNE 3, 2016
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho will hold public comment at the following time on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 2120 N. Lakewood Dr, Suite A of the Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho Building, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, to consider the following request: 10:00 a.m. - Discussion of the use of Program Development and Coordinated Activities funding. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the public hearing should contact the Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho (208) 667-3179 Ext. 228 at least 48 hours before the hearing. Comments can be sent to the Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho at 2120 N. Lakewood Dr, Ste. B Coeur d Alene, ID 83814; faxed to (208) 667-5938 or e-mailed to Additional information is available by contacting the agency at the above information. LEGAL 5594 MAY 13, 20, 2016
Summary of Fair Housing Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WORLEY, IDAHO, APPROVING A FAIR HOUSING RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY. A summary of the principal provisions of the Fair Housing Resolution #16-01 reaffirmed by the City of Worley on February 10, 2016 is as follows: Section 1: Sets forth the purpose and intent of civil rights protection legislation and the areas to which the plan will apply. Section 2: Sets forth the policy and procedure for carrying out activities in a nondiscriminatory manner in project assessment, processing, and decision making. Section 3: Sets forth the assistance that will be available from the City to those who feel they have been discriminated against. Section 4: Sets forth the steps the City will take to publicize this resolution and give notice to the public of the City's policy and procedures concerning nondiscrimination. The full text of the Fair Housing Resolution is available at the Worley City Hall, 9936 West E Street, Worley, ID, and will be provided to any citizen upon personal request to the City Clerk at (208) 686-1258. Charlene Waddell, Mayor City of Worley LEGAL 5626 MAY 20, 2016