Saturday, December 28, 2024

GENDER: Common sense, RIP

| May 20, 2016 9:00 PM

Millions of transgender people discovered!

If you were to believe the news media, we must have an epidemic of transgender people crowding our schools and colleges.

This is the latest push by the LGBT people and the Obama newest regulation. The newest decree from the King is no student should ever experience a feeling of being un-welcomed.

Have we all lost common sense. Lets not talk about religion or genetic mistakes in the human gene. I am sure it must be difficult to find yourself in another body, but here is the question.

Should we as a society, (99.97 percent) abandon common sense, so the other .03 percent don’t have a feeling of being un-welcomed?

We are raising a generation of an unchallenged society, where everyone is a winner, no one looses, everyone gets an “A” in class, no more absolutes and no ones feelings should ever be hurt. How one feels at the moment should dictate their life. If your life is challenging, something must be wrong, we should all feel good 100 percent of the time.

If I feel like going into a Target restroom of the opposite sex I can and they will not stop me, because at the moment I might feel like my body is not the real me.

Personally I am so sick of the media pushing the LGBT agenda. Think your medical insurance is high now, check out the newest decree from our King, where insurance should be required to pay for transgender surgery. It never stops.

Remember their constant mantra — if I am offended, my feelings are hurt, you do not agree with whatever I am thinking about, then something is wrong with you and I will stop you anyway I can, be it a boycott, sue you, attack you personally, make up a law not supported by the constitution or just keep pushing it in your face until you change your mind!

What does stop, is the rights of people with a brain of good old common sense.


Coeur d’Alene