HILLARY: Not fit to serve
After reading Sunday’s letters to the editor, I just had to say something about some of the remarks that were being made.
Lillian, I have not been able to figure out why any American would want to vote for a woman who has done some of the worst things that a person can do against the United States. I served in the Navy for a very long time. My job was in communications. I can tell you for a fact that if I had ever even thought about telling, or sending any classified information over the air, or on the phone, I would not be here writing this letter now. I would be in prison.
She has been saying that she did send all those e-mails, but there were no words on them saying they were classified. What a bunch of malarkey. Just because the text of a Top Secret message does not say “Top Secret” at the beginning and the end of the message, does not make it any less Top Secret, IT STILL IS!
So, if all of you really believe her, and the reason that we lost four, or should I say four of our highly trained Seal Team members got killed on her watch, was of “no concern” according to her. Then you all deserve exactly what you get if she gets elected. God help this country if she or that socialist get elected.
So there, I have said my piece. I am not saying that Mr. Trump is the right person for the job, but he is saying all the things that the majority of us have been saying all along. This president we have now has sold the United States down the drain for eight years, and it’s time to have it stopped.