Monday, May 06, 2024

ABORTION: A video challenge

| March 11, 2016 8:00 PM

The Democratic Party is on record as favoring abortion at any time up to birth by their support of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions. Dr. Anthony Levatino, an OB/GYN who formerly performed abortions, has made a video that explains a common late-term abortion procedure (dilation and evacuation) using drawings that are not overly graphic, but are medically accurate. It can be found on the Web under “Dr. Anthony Levatino video.”

Pro-abortionists are challenged to watch this medically educational video and decide if they still support late-term abortion. Abortion is the most important moral question facing this nation. A vote for any Democrat at any level supports use of this barbaric procedure.

“So long as we have the gift of life we must protect the gift of life. So long as it is threatened, so long it must be defended. We have not yet seen the full fury of the storm that is upon us. But we have not the right to despair. Our entire struggle is premised not upon a victory to be achieved, but a victory that has already been won.” (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus)


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