RACE: The color of controversy
Race relations seem to be getting much worse, not better, with the politically correct labels that have been chosen for the black race. Things have definitely improved since the 1960s, but that had nothing to do with political correctness.
In my lifetime, I have heard the terms “darky,” “colored,” “negro,” “black,” “African-American,” and “People of Color” for our black citizens. That’s a new politically correct term about every 10 years. Why not just call ourselves “Americans?” And, if race identification is necessary, how about “Black” or “White”? So far, in my lifetime (over many years), except for negative slurs, “White” has been adequate for identification.
Other ethnic groups can call themselves “Brown,” “Yellow” or “Red” if they want to. But all this is beginning to be a bit silly when our goal should be to see that all Americans are treated with respect and given opportunities to make their lives what they wish them to be in this country.
Why would these different ethnic and racial groups continue to demand to be called by politically correct terms when that has not helped the situation in over 50 years?
We need another approach to solving this problem, and political correctness won’t do it.