Saturday, December 28, 2024

MEDICAID: For shame, Idaho

| March 4, 2016 8:00 PM

You really want to know the state of Idaho’s Legislature? It has blood on its hands. Idaho takes federal money for wind storms, ice storms and wildfires, and even more money for schools, and highways. But when it comes to helping the poor receive needed medical attention through Medicaid expansion, it’s pure politics.

Physicians have testified that not accepting Medicaid expansion has cost nearly 1,000 lives and the death toll continues. Yet here the legislature sits dithering and ignoring the solution, the price of which is being paid by the blood of the poor. Where is your pro-life argument now? Republicans have shown themselves as politicians first and Christians second. When Christ asks you what you did for the poorest among you, I have no doubt ignoring Medicaid expansion for political reasons will play a role. I wonder if the Christian right will stand loud and proud in front of Christ and say they were being “good Republicans” while the dead cried out.


Coeur d’Alene