Saturday, October 12, 2024

REFUGEES: Keep them out

| June 26, 2016 9:00 PM

If you want a reaction to the refugee situation, you’ll get one.

If liberal do-gooders like David Warnick feel so strongly about taking care of someone at his home, why not take in a homeless family from the USA, better yet a family in Coeur d’Alene which I’m sure there are a few.

You can sympathize and feel sorry for people from other countries but the fact remains that it’s their country. Why don’t they stay and fight for it? More than likely it’s because they can come to America and get all the benefits that Americans get at taxpayer expense.

Does anyone believe that these people will ever fit in our society and way of life? They will take all the benefits they can get and never be able to repay in any meaningful way. They’ll sooner or later migrate to someplace else where others of their ethnic race and beliefs live and never fully assimilate. They’ll probably never learn to speak English and more importantly never want to be part of the American culture. In a few years their children will start picking apart what the rest of us believe in and it won’t be long before they’ll start seeing the “Great Satan” and maybe decide that America is evil and will want to do something to change things to their way and beliefs.

Again as I said in a previous letter, how can you truly vet someone who comes from a place where they’ve been told since childhood that western beliefs, i.e. USA, are the epitome of evil and must be destroyed?

If 336,000 (as reported) refugees have already come here since May 1, 2011, and only a handful decide to kill or do harm to Americans, I hope it’s not my family and maybe Mr. Warnick you’ll regret your misplaced hospitality.


St. Maries