Monday, September 30, 2024

Put years back on your life

by Dr. Douglas Stafford
| June 8, 2016 9:00 PM

I cannot turn on a TV or read a news article without seeing the latest “magic pill” promising to bring me weight loss, increase my energy, and ignite my sex drive. The vast amount of misinformation on healthy aging makes it hard for anyone to know what to believe and who to trust.

Three years ago, I exercised regularly and ate what I thought were good foods in effort to engage in a healthy, active lifestyle with my family. Despite this, I experienced weight gain, low energy, elevated blood pressure, pre-diabetic markers and had to take medication for high cholesterol. Something had to change — both my health and quality of life depended on it.

Seeking answers, I pursued further medical training and certification in age management medicine (AMM), which focuses on treating the underlying cause of chronic disease to restore optimal body function and improve quality of life. During my extensive training, I realized that I was personally experiencing everything that I was being taught.

Once I completed my training, I immediately made a plan and incorporated the necessary changes into my lifestyle. The results were phenomenal! I have lost excessive body fat, gained critical muscle mass and have much more energy. My blood sugar and blood pressure are now normal, and I am off — yes, off — of my cholesterol medication. I have not only added years to my life, but life to my years.

This life-changing experience has inspired me to transform the way that I practice medicine. To help my patients and community experience similar successes, I decided to start an AMM program of my own. At Venia Age Management Medicine, I am pleased to provide you with a medically supervised program that includes effective medical, nutrition, and fitness solutions to maximize your quality of life while reducing chronic disease progression.

Our services target the underlying cause of chronic diseases by providing you with comprehensive and ongoing medical assessment and testing, a sensible nutrition plan, and enjoyable physical activities to meet your personal needs over time. Throughout your program, our team will support your progress with frequent follow-up to refine your program plan based on your health status and unique needs.

Venia Age Management Medicine is excited to share our passion for better health and quality of life with you. To learn more, please call (208) 676-0104 to RSVP to our next event on Thursday, June 9, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.