Friday, October 18, 2024

LIBERAL: Connecting Dems, Hollywood

| June 3, 2016 9:00 PM

Eureka! I’ve found the unholy connection between Hollywood and the Democrat Party! You know how they’re joined in all things liberal? It’s because both live in a world of make-believe! Actors never know who they really are because that changes from one script to another. Their world is what they want it to be — reality is foreign to them and interferes with their fantasies. They can live in a world where they know everything and can do all things. They can design it without interference from those pesky commoners. In fact, they get invited onto TV programs, world tours and Washington soirées to hold forth on their subjects of interest — just as if they actually knew something. Then they go home to their gated communities, armed guards and adoring fans.

Now compare these founts of wisdom with the Democrat Party. They also know better how our lives should be run — by them, in order to fulfill their dreams of power over the pesky commoners: You don’t need guns, you can kill babies, one perversion after another is your right (and continues to spiral deeper into the muck and mire), they know best how your health plan should look (and continues to give them more power over our daily activities). Remember “you’ve got to pass it to find out what’s in it” and how the entire lemming party rushed over the cliff to sign without reading?

At the end of the day these folks also hurry home to their gated communities, armed guards and blindly loyal fans. Why, we now have a choice in the lemming party of either communist lite or felon heavy. With their fan base they would fit right into Nicaragua or any number of other dictatorships on other continents — and all they have to do is keep playing Santa Claus, buying votes for free cell phones or promises of free college indoctrination. Only in Hollywood could this scenario play out. And that’s why they have their incestuous relationship.


Spirit Lake