Sunday, October 06, 2024

BOOMERS: Those were the days

| June 1, 2016 9:00 PM

My generation, “the Baby Boomers,” has seen the massive collapse of the moral and civil fiber of America. Our children and grandchildren have been born into it and so consider it the norm. It was not always so.

My generation was secure in the knowledge that we had the right to EARN our way. We did not have the government dictating everything we must do, not did we expect them to provide for our every need or want like the present welfare society does.

We were not taught that we were victims of society. We believed that our country was the greatest the world had ever seen. We paid out taxes and took our voting privilege seriously. We were patriotic and considered it our responsibility and honor to serve in our Armed Forces (except for a few Vietnam era draft dodgers).

How things have changed: The majority of our top political leaders are utterly corrupt. In the last several years they have become so ambivalent that our enemies no longer respect us, and our allies do not trust us. Our armed forces, the greatest military force in history has been decimated — not from without, but from within.

The present administration has done everything in it’s power to turn us into a dependent welfare state. Criminal’s rights have become more important than the rights of the victims. Minority “rights” have become much more important than those of the majority.

Every kind of perversion has become acceptable and encouraged. Any moral or religious belief against perversion is called bigotry. Now the president has directed that all public school restrooms and locker rooms be made available to “transgender” students. This is a recipe for disaster. Any male can go in the girl’s restroom or locker room under the pretense that he “feels like” he might have a female nature and ogle the girls in various stages of undress. What a setup for sexual assault. I doubt that Obama would allow his own daughters to be exposed to this possibility, yet he is mandating that ours will be.

Enough is enough. Eleven states have filed a lawsuit against Obama’s illegal mandate, and even though Idaho has not joined them yet, our governor supports and encourages them.

I call upon all school officials and citizens to refuse to implement this unlawful mandate by a lame duck president. This is the time for peaceful, but determined resistance, such as practiced by Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. It’s called civil disobedience. It’s what outraged, long-suffering, but courageous people do.

I know that my generation has the guts to do this, but what about you Millennials? Can you step up to the plate and do your duty? Who’s going to prosecute you? “They” don’t have the guts or the means to do so. Let us unite across political and ideological lines to defeat this abominable threat to our children and grandchildren.


Coeur d’Alene