Tuesday, October 08, 2024

RACISM: A local solution

| July 24, 2016 9:00 PM

As a citizen of Kootenai County since 2001, a gentleman of color and founder of TOC Diversity Resource, a nonprofit that offers education and conversation on cultural tolerance in our community, I felt compelled to respond to the July 19 Coeur d’Alene Press article “McHugh: No discipline for deputy prosecutor.”

I strongly disagree with Mr. McHugh and feel his response illustrates one of the nation’s hottest social topics of disproportioned justice toward people of color. Not to mention the bigoted statement made by the deputy prosecutor that led to Mr. McHugh’s response of no discipline.

With all due respect to this very important topic and current tone of the nation and given the very pervasive systemic and subtle racial discrimination I have experienced in the community, I do feel education and cultural sensitivity training are a must. I am disheartened by Mr. McHugh’s responses of no discipline. I feel it further perpetuates the obvious culture of systemic racial bias in our community and in doing so excuses Mr. Bushling’s inappropriate behavior and comments.

TOC Diversity Resource offers programs that address cultural sensitivity, as well as on-site open discussion related to diversity equity and inclusion.


Coeur d’Alene