Sunday, September 22, 2024

Don't be afraid, hearing well is worth your time

by Dr. Tia Flynn
| July 6, 2016 9:00 PM

Last week I had an open house for Lyric extended wear hearing aids called “Lyric Days.” Because I am a true independent audiologist, I don’t have big pockets for advertising like some of the franchise offices, so it was a big deal for me.

After the mailer went out I started receiving some calls for appointments. Some people are genuinely interested and know that quality care takes an appointment. Others just wanted to know the price. I don’t like to give price quotes over the phone. The reason is that I haven’t screened or tested the person's hearing to see what would be best for them. If the price is too high they may be turned off all together and not even consider other more affordable options.

Lyric offers a free screening and 30 day trial for those that have suitable ears. Suitable means the ear itself is the right shape and healthy enough to try them, and the hearing loss is within the range of the device. I will gladly spend a half an hour of my time explaining how the device works and the subscription process once someone makes an appointment. If a patient is not willing to schedule an appointment with me, I am not going to be willing to let them pick my brain about prices until they do.

Lyric hearing aids are expensive, but if they work for you, then they may be worth the cost. How does one really know until they try them? If one can’t afford the Lyric, there are other options available that I can explain once I have looked in the ear and screened the hearing.

I am not exactly sure what people are afraid of when they won’t make an appointment, but I have a few ideas. It seems that it is usually the price, or that I may try to “sell” them something. If you can’t afford traditional hearing aids you can’t afford Lyric. They are more expensive. I call them the rich Baby Boomer’s hearing aid. They are more convenient and they have the best sound I have to offer, so of course they cost more.

Ask anyone, I am not a scary person. The scariest thing in my office is our Papillion shop dog named Marshal Tucker. I am an audiologist, not a salesperson. I became an audiologist to help people hear. I don’t have to “sell” Lyric. It is either going to work for you or it is not. If you love it, you will want to buy it. If it doesn’t work for you I can let you try something else. I love to try loaners on people!

Remember, you do not have to get a flyer for “Lyric Days” to have a free Lyric screening. I can offer the free Lyric screenings anytime. The difference with Lyric extended wear are:

• Effective safe performance in the ear 24/7 for months at a time!

• Natural experience of life all day, everyday.

• One doesn't have to look different just because they have a hearing loss. No one knows you are wearing them they are totally invisible.

I am proud to be the only provider of Lyric in North Idaho. It takes special training to fit extended wear hearing aids. There are some copy cats out there but they are not soft like the Lyric. Please don’t be afraid to make an appointment with me. I have never twisted any arms or silver tongued anyone. I just recommend what may help you hear well and let you try them out.


Tia Flynn is a certified audiologist who has been in business for more than 16 years. Every Tuesday morning from 9:00 a.m. to noon, she provides free hearing screenings at 1601 Third St. in Coeur d’Alene. (208) 664-2767. Visit our newly updated website to watch helpful videos or take an online hearing test.