LANGUAGE: Beware the buzz
The use and the effect of “buzz words” in advertising and in politics is obvious but it never ceases to amaze me how many people are sucked in by them. All Democrats are not liberals. All Republicans are not conservatives. One issue does not define either conservatism or liberalism. Being in favor of or against so-called “Big government” means nothing because it requires details in order to understand what the speaker means.
People buy products and politicians based on buzz words. There is a second element in advertising and political pitches that seems to increase their effectiveness; repetition. Endless repetition does not make an untrue statement true nor a true statement more true.
Your health is too important for you to be sucked in by advertising. Your vote is too important to be sucked in by political buzz words and repetition. I hope we can do better than that in the future.
Coeur d’Alene