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Fermented foods: One of the secrets to a long life

| January 27, 2016 9:00 PM

I’ll admit when I think of fermented foods, I think of stinky and sour tasting foods like sauerkraut.

But that is not always the case. Fermented foods are in the nutrition spotlight these days and well they should be for their probiotic contribution to the diet.

I became extremely interested in fermentation last summer when I interviewed centenarians in Italy, Japan, Singapore and the US.

What do the diets of all of these people have in common?

You guessed it, fermentation.

Fermentation is one of the oldest forms of food preservation.

The fermentation process increases the shelf life of foods, so in those parts of the world that rely on “whole and genuine foods” it is an economically significant preservation method.

Fermented foods also remain strongly tied to tradition in many cultures.

Fermented foods provide good bacteria that the gastrointestinal (GI) tract needs to counteract the not so good bacteria.

When foods are fermented, nutrients in the foods are more easily absorbed because they are predigested.

Some recent studies from Harvard suggest that probiotics can help treat gut ailments such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

Though more research is needed to find out which strains of probiotics work best for what conditions, current evidence still gives good reasons for us to consider getting a daily dose of probiotics from a fermented food source.

Some fermented foods that seem to be more accepted include yogurt, sauerkraut (homemade), and soy sauce.

Many people already are eating these foods without the full knowledge of their health benefits.

Here are some not so widely consumed fermented foods: kefir milk, kombucha tea, tempeh, kimchi, miso and fermented cheeses, like pecorino.

Some of these foods may be an acquired taste, but they are relatively easy to incorporate into the diet.

Even beer and wine fall into the fermented food category.

Fermented foods are easy to make in your own home.

For example pickles and sauerkraut are some of the easiest foods to ferment.

Here is a great website for fermenting both of these foods:

If you would rather purchase a book of fermentation recipes and processes check out Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods by Sandor Ellix Katz and Sally Fallon. There is a great recipe in this book for fermented salsa!

So, if living a long and healthy life is one of your goals then eat more fermented foods. Just don’t overdo it or your gut will tell you—sometimes in a painful and embarrassing way!

SeAnne Safaii, PhD, RDN, LD is an associate professor at the University of Idaho.