Saturday, October 12, 2024

MEDICAID: Step up, Idaho

| January 24, 2016 8:00 PM

The “my turn” column (1/22/16) by Russ Fahlgren is one of many opinions we have seen regarding Medicaid expansion and will continue to see in the future.

Russ addresses the refusal of our legislature to expand Medicaid coverage to thousands of Idaho working poor. Throughout his compassionate writing, Russ refers to the problem as “MEDICARE expansion.” I can sure understand the confusion as Medicare and Medicaid sound so similar.

The folks negatively affected by our legislature’s refusal to expand Medicaid are not us “old” people. We have Medicare and supplemental policies that expand coverage on our regular Medicare coverage.

The real people affected are younger and are WORKING. They fall into a gap of making too much for regular Medicaid coverage and too little to qualify for regular Obamacare (ACA). They are veterans and parents and single people. These are not “bottom rung lazy non-workers.” They are trying very hard to make it in Idaho’s low income world, often with two or more jobs.

Our legislators’ refusal to expand Medicaid is sickening. They are standing firm against Obamacare and the big bad federal government on principle. In the meantime, Idaho is losing millions of federal dollars and our working poor are dying.

Maybe the Press would consider re-publishing the editorial of Dec 2, 2015 by Kenneth Krell, MD on this subject to refresh our minds. One small quote from Dr. Krell: ”The legislature is killing Idahoans...”

Wake up, Idaho. Our wonderful rational compassionate heritage is quickly being ripped away by silly selfish people claiming to be conservatives.

