EKKO: Where he's right
Not everything Ekko wrote should be dismissed. What was mentioned about being “clannish and more in love with their phones than those around them” is more true than most of us care to admit. Particularly the phone part.
We have become a generation of Wi-Fi junkies with our incessant self worship on Insta-gram (owned by Facebook), Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and endless other social networking sites which can cripple anyone to even be aware of those around them, much less care about them. Your life is only as good as your last snarky post or selfie.
But the selfie-absorbed people struggle to be in any meaningful long-term relationship because who wants to share their soul mate with 500 followers?
No one can serve two masters. If one is preoccupied with their obsession of numbering their inventory of facilitating online acquaintances, it trumps any chance at real personal relationships. We completely miss out on the way what is said can’t be sent through a keystroke or a word suggestion.
So everyone the Wi-Fi junkie sees and could touch suffers. Yes, it includes the Ekkos, but their shallow selfie selves suffer most of all.
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